Taxonomy: f. Dilepididae
Animal: Dipylidium caninum 20.05.jpg
Various developmental stages of Dipylidium caninum with a host reaction in the haemocoele of C.felis felis reared at different temperatures and humidities - TEM. 75-80 and 82- Metacestodes with attached haemocytes or encapsulated in adult flea reared at 20C/ 3 mmHg, 38 days post infection; 81. Developing metacestode with adhering haemocytes in an adult flea reared at 22C/ 3 mmHg, 26 days post infection. (D- Debris, GH- granular haemocytes, H- haemocytes, L- presumptive lysosome, mi- microvilli, n- nucleus of parasite, N- nucleus of haemocyte, oh- oncospheral hooks, Rb- residual body, Se- secretions). Pugh RE 1985 PhD thesis - see bibliography
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